Posts Tagged ‘donations’
The Choice
Our lives are the sum of our choices. Each choice that we make, whether it is big or small, shapes in some way our lives. The most obvious result of our choices is the impact it has on us. But our choices also have an impact the lives of others, especially our loved ones. A…
Read MoreHow Greed Landed Me in Prison
That first day in the office, I looked at the big computer and telex. It was fascinating to watch as the price changed minute by minute. I’d always been hyperactive and that may have been part of the reason I enjoyed the oil business from that first day. It moved so fast that it kept…
Read MoreKicked in the Teeth, but still Chewing
But just like riding broncs, finances went up and down. When things were good, we stayed in hotels. When they weren’t so good, we slept in our truck. We’d come here from Phoenix hoping to make big bucks. We weren’t making enough at this rodeo to pay for our gas. I slipped outside the arena…
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