"To my wife, Laura, who has gently and lovingly gone to great lengths to understand a dyslexic, under-educated child of God. And especially for being the most important part of what it means to be home."
~StevieRay Hansen
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It has often been said, "We make our choices and then our choices make us." Unfortunately, for StevieRay, the choices he made early on would lead to severe consequences. Read More
Life in a maximum security prison was a shock to StevieRay's senses. The other inmates taunted and harassed him endlessly. However, God had a plan for redemption. Read More
After experiencing the mercy and love of his Savior, StevieRay vowed to live a changed life. The impact of this decision would lead to one of the greatest stories of blessing you'll every read. Read More

Giving Back
“I want to start an orphanage,” I told Laura over dinner one evening. “Not necessarily an orphanage, but something like that.”
“That’s real hard, Honey,” Laura replied. “Let’s just give to them.”
That didn’t seem like enough to me. I couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened to me without Buck and the other cowboys who became like family. Without men like Robert who kept stepping into my life to help me...
The more I learned about the plight of the kids leaving foster care, the more concerned I became. Most of them didn’t have a support system. One study found that within a year of leaving the foster care system, 66 percent of the kids were homeless, in jail or dead. A staggering 80 percent of the prison population had come out of foster care. Girls in foster care were 600 percent more likely than their peers to get pregnant before age 21.
From, A Long Journey Home. Purchase on Amazon.
Upon Aging-Out of Foster Care
Males Imprisoned within 2-5 years
Females Imprisoned within 2-5 years
Males Imprisoned after 5 years
Females Imprisoned after 5 years
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A New Life
The next time we met at an ice cream parlor. I was going to make sure we took our time getting to know one another. I was already smitten by the time I realized that things would never work out for us. Laura held a master’s degree in biology. She’d worked for 15 years as a biologist and taught at a university. When I met Laura, I was destitute. I lived in a garage apartment which had once been the maid’s quarters behind someone’s home. Laura was educated; a success in her field. Her parents weren’t rich, but they had money in the bank.I was flat broke.
Read MoreOn The Road Again
I thought my heart was going to jackhammer its way out of my chest that blustery spring day in 1991 when I was released…
Read MoreFree At Last
A chill rippled down my spine as I put the prison vehicle into gear and drove toward the guard tower. My mouth felt dry…
Read MoreFamily reunion
CHAPTER EIGHT FAMILY REUNION I heard the guard unlock my cell in solitary confinement. “Let’s go,” he said. “Your lawyer’s here.” Wearing an orange…
Read MoreToo much time to think
I felt like a wounded animal that someone had kicked in the head. Back in my cell, I dropped onto my bed and closed…
Read MorePrison Yard
If I got out of prison and chased money like a god again so I could spend it on attorneys, I knew what would…
Read MoreKentucky Home
KENTUCKY HOME I pulled the car seat as close to the steering wheel as it would go. That old Ford jerked and shuddered as…
Read MoreTumbling down
Crystal champagne flutes clinked amid conversation on the terrace of the country club where lights twinkled in the trees. We’d taken Luann’s parents to…
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Your Journey
- You have the right to be angry.
- Realize that holding onto anger also holds your pain in place.
- Anger keeps you frozen in the same cycle of misery and hurt.
- Don't be a victim. No one deserves that kind of power over your life.
- When you forgive, you take control over your emotions. More importantly, you take back the power that your past uses to hurt you.
- Giving to ministries that help people overcome what you've experienced is healing.
- The question is not, "should you give," but "can you give?" People who say "no" to more and "yes" to less live blessed lives.
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